A Day in the Life With Technology

On an average, I spend around 8 hours a day using technology. It has always been a part of my daily routine. I start my day by waking up by the sound of my alarm and most of the time I press the snooze button just to get 5 minutes more of sleep. After I eat breakfast, I scan through my email and social media accounts to check important messages. Before I head to school, I check the weather forecast. If it says there is a possibility of rainfall, I make sure that I brought an umbrella and a jacket with me. I have my schedule as my lock screen so it is always easy for me to know my next subject and the room.

Whenever I have a spare time, I scroll through my news feed to check latest updates and news. After school, I do my school works and I browse the internet for hours. With the internet, you can access endless amount of information available. I also use Facebook and Messenger to connect with group mates for group work and get updates from our section. It also allows me to communicate with my friends and family.

Not to mention, I love to shop online. I find it convenient because you save time and you do not have to go to a physical store. I always read reviews about the product and the online store before I purchase items to ensure quality and avoid frauds. For entertainment purposes, I play mobile games like mobile legends or watch YouTube and Netflix. Before I sleep, I double-check if I had done all my reminders, I scroll a bit to know additional updates,  I check Huawei Health if I reached my goal of 10,000 steps a day, and I set my alarm for tomorrow.

Technology has made my life easier. You can easily access information and connect with anyone. With its advancement, it can detect your health status, update you with daily weather forecast, and allows you to buy online. With few simple clicks, you could do almost any transaction.

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